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Date: January 4th 2020 (Opry#131)
1) Happy Nashville New Year (original, released)
2) A Life That's Good with Clare Bowen & Brandon Young (Nashville, season 2,5&6))
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(Click on the song titles to stream or buy original songs)
Chip Opry - 1-4-20
00:00 / 14:57
Date: January 24th 2020 (Opry#132)
1) My One and Only One (original, unreleased)
2) Nashvillianarie (original, unreleased)
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Ryman made his Opry debut
(Click on the song titles to stream or buy original songs)
Chip Opry - 1-24-20
00:00 / 12:22
Date: February 14th 2020 (Opry#133)
1) Do You Love Me Yet (original, unreleased)
2) What If We Never Were (original unreleased)
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(Click on the song titles to stream or buy original songs)
Chip Opry - 2-14-20
00:00 / 11:14
Date: February 28th 2020 (Opry#134)
1) Sweet Summer Saturday Night (original, released)
2) A Road and a Radio (original, released)
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(Click on the song titles to stream or buy original songs)
Chip Opry - 2-28-20
00:00 / 10:47
Date: November 20th 2020 (Opry#135)
1) When Love Ain't Love No More (original, unreleased)
2) Texas in My Rear View Mirror
3) It's Gonna Be Okay (original, unreleased)
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(Click on the song titles to stream or buy original songs)
Chip Opry - 11-20-20
00:00 / 17:05
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